Do you want to look like Angelina Jolie? Meghan Fox? Or maybe Johnny Depp? Well if you think that’s impossible than guess what, it isn’t! Because there is a girl who is able to transform herself into one of these big names, and make-up is her secret and no, she isn’t a professional make-up artist, she taught it herself! And it even gets better! All these movies are tutorials so you can learn how to transform yourself too!
About who am I talking? I’m talking about Promise Tamang Phan a 24 year old Vietnamese-American girl also known as the Youtube beauty guru dope2111. It is absolutely incredible what she can do with make-up, my personal first reaction was: WAUW. I was completely blown away!
But why is this so cool? Besides of the fact that it is absolutely impressive, it even looks doable in her tutorials, which makes it attractive for the one who’s watching, to try it too.
There is only one thing that bothers me, what about natural beauty? Is this what makes us forget what true beauty is? This girl just proved we can change ourselves in the most gorgeous man and woman, but is that a must nowadays? Do we all have to have the perfect face? I believe it is fantastic what she does, and she makes playing with make-up fun! But I hope young girl won’t see this as perfect, cause if they start loving that perfect shaped nose, they maybe want it permanent. And in a society which turns plastic surgery into a birthday gift, you just never know!
Even though the negative part of it, I do believe this has got future potential, since the beauty blogs are booming out of the network, I believe this girl takes beauty tutorials to a whole other level.
And we will definitely see more of these kind of tutorials soon.